Launching a global community: International Network of Next-Generation Ecologists

For the past year a group of graduate students, post docs and early career researchers have been working to set up a global network , with the goal of bringing the new generation of ecologists around the world into contact. The newly born initiative goes under the name "International Network of Next-Generation Ecologists" or simply INNGE [in-jee]. INNGE has close connections to the International Association for Ecology (INTECOL). The launch of the network was announced in the most recent newsletter of INTECOL - read it here.

The website of INNGE is currently under construction, but should be up and running soon. Until then find out more about INNGE by joining the Facebook group [INGGE], LinkedIn group [INNGE] or follow INNGE on Twitter [INNGEcologist].

Excerpt from the newsletter story:

INNGE specifically aims to
1) Enhance  
a. International knowledge about ecological topics­  
b. The ability to build academic networks for early-career scientists locally and regionally­  

2) Foster 
a. Cross-continental initiatives between ecological societies and their early career ecologists­ 
b. Local stewardship and sustainability efforts via global coordination 

 3) Communicate 
a. On-going initiatives from ecological societies to ecologists in other parts of the world so as to ensure synergy and 
avoid unnecessary redundancy­ 
b. International career opportunities for early career ecologists­ 
c. Across disciplines, by engaging with networks of early career researchers in other areas of study­