How do I get involved in INNGE during and after INTECOL 2013?

Reblogged INNGE's blog, originally posted on Sat, 08/17/2013 - 07:38


We recently posted on the blog a look back at INNGE’s activities over the past 3 years. A day before workshops,PechaKuchas, and other lunchtime events take place at INTECOL 2013, we thought it would be a good time to provide a few tips on how to take part in INNGE during and after INTECOL.

If you don’t have much time since you are either packing for INTECOL, already at the ExCel center, or maybe just busy being an ecologist, then let me quickly sum up our perspective:

The future of INNGE depends on the involvement of the most diverse, talented, creative and dedicated group of early-career ecologists. In other words, INNGE needs you!

Where we are today

First let’s get everybody up to speed with the basics of the most recent developments. You can also skip down to the next header if you just want the specifics.

In 2013 INNGE had gathered a large enough following that it made sense to formalize the network, including a structure for membership and bylaws. To reach the goal of geographical and topical diversity in the network, we focused on offering official membership to institutions working within ecology. Through the institutional membership it is also our aim to legitimize and increase recognition of the early career cause. New society members have been flowing in through the past couple of months, in time for INTECOL 2013. INNGE’s members page lists the 13 members from 4 continents. The first member from Latin America is expected very soon, either before or during INTECOL. We can’t wait!

So, why doesn’t INNGE have individual memberships?

A more detailed answer can be found on our Frequently Asked Questions page. Briefly, because we are all already members of the community! We, at INNGE, believe that in order to maximize opportunities for early career ecologists, there should be as few barriers as possible to get-involved.

So I am a member… but how do I get actively involved?

There are multiple ways to get involved in INNGE. We hope this richness will stimulate a greater part of the diverse early career community.

Four ways to get involved in INNGE:

  1. Plug into a river of ecology blogs

    • The ecology blog aggregator EcoBloggers provides and effective means of communicating your personal perspectives to the wider international community. Sign your blog up today and become part of the movement! Simply send your blog feed link to the webmaster. Doing so only requires an email and then continuing what you are already doing. You can read EcoBloggers on the web here or in your inbox through the RSS feed.
  2. Take part in the discussion

    • Most of INNGE’s activity takes place via listservs and social media platforms. The listservs are often the place where general discussion and development of initiatives take place. We also use other social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to share information and carry out outreach activities.
  3. Create opportunities in open science and sustainability science

    • While general listservs are great for wide dissemination of a broad range of content, more specialized groups can be needed for the in-depth discussion and implementation of ideas. INNGE currently offers to get involved in two areas that have received broad public and professional attention. One group will focus on creating early career opportunities in interdisciplinary initiatives such as Future EarthIPBES, and our current partnership with the Institute for New Economic Thinking’s Young Scholars Initiative, while the second group will be dedicated to the implementation of open ecology (open access, open science, open code, open data) initiatives which have been the focus of much debate on the blog and listservs. Sign up here to join one or both of the groups.
  4. Lead INNGE’s future

    • Finally, there is the opportunity to serve the rest of the community by running for INNGE’s board or by being a representative to a formal member of INNGE (e.g. through one of our member ecological societies).

    • It can’t be emphasized enough the critical role that this new board will play in the engagement of early career ecologists and carrying out the vision of connecting and creating opportunities for the early career community and for ecology in general. 

    • The election of the board will take place in December 2013 and the term will begin in January 2014. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at INTECOL 2013 or online, if you would like to dedicate part of your time to create opportunities for the early career community. Stay tuned on our blog and at our business meeting at INTECOL 2013 (on for more information and details about the election.

Whatever way you may decide to become involved in INNGE, one thing’s for sure: INNGE needs you!